Category: Land Clearing

Why It’s Smart to Outsource Commercial Excavation and Site Prep Work

An excavator clearing land in a forested area.

If you’re preparing a piece of land for a commercial construction project, it’s important to start with a strong foundation. The initial stages of excavation and site preparation are vital to the success and safety of any project. That’s why it’s wise to outsource that work to a company that specializes in it. Here’s why:… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Forestry Mulching

A machine mulches a wooded area

If you own a large piece of property, you probably know how hard it is to maintain it on its own. And, of course, the consequences of not maintaining the land are not something you want to deal with. That’s why so many pay professionals to clear the land. If you fall into that category,… Read more »

What Forestry Mulching Can do for Your Property

Natural Wood mulch

Forestry mulching is a land clearing process that comes with many potential benefits for your property. The process is a simple and streamlined one – a single machine (depending on the size of the job) cuts, grinds, and clears vegetation and then spreads mulch over that same area. This process can be exceptionally beneficial beyond… Read more »

When Is It Time to Call a Professional for Land Clearing?

Land Excavation Pensacola, FL

If you own a large piece of land, you likely know how important it is to clear it from time to time. But if you’re working by yourself on a large enough piece of land, that job can feel next to impossible. It’ll feel especially futile if you don’t have major plans for that land…. Read more »

What Are the Advantages of Land Clearing?

A large excavator helps clear some land

Land clearing is almost exactly what it sounds like – the process of clearing overgrown vegetation, unwanted trees, debris, and other material off a piece of land. If you own a backyard that’s wooded at all or a large piece of land, you’ve likely heard of it before. But what you may not have heard… Read more »

Reasons to Have Your Land Cleared in Colder Weather

A large piece of equipment clears land ahead of a construction project

We’re fully into the autumn season now and across the country temperatures are dropping. It’s the time of year where plants and vegetation start to die off. If you own a piece of land that you want cleared, there’s no better time to do it than now. Cold weather is the best climate for land-clearing… Read more »

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Overgrown Vegetation

Overgrown vegetation in front of an abandoned stone structure

There are a variety of reasons why the vegetation on your land might be overgrown at this point of summer. Perhaps you own a significant amount of land and can’t maintain all of it. Or you’ve been busy with other responsibilities and haven’t had the chance to handle the issue. Maybe the summer just got… Read more »

Why You Should Hire a Professional to Clear Your Land

A large excavator helps clear some land

No matter if you have a standard-sized backyard or acres upon acres of property, it can be difficult to properly maintain your land. That’s especially true here in Florida, where vegetation can sometimes grow faster than you can keep up with. Before you know it, you can have an impossible-to-manage mess on your hands. If… Read more »

Cut Back on Your Brush Before a Severe Storm

Brush cutting for storm damage cleanup

In Florida, we deal with severe rainstorms, tropical storms, and even hurricanes every year. To prevent any major damage to your property, it’s important to be proactive before a major storm occurs. One of the biggest things you can do is to clear your land and brush cut around your property, so that none of… Read more »

Building a Shed vs Buying a Shed

Shed on land

There are several advantages to building your own shed on your property. Of course, you’ll have to get the permits and hire a land surveyor to ensure the proper property lines and other surveying needs, but it can be very rewarding building your own shed. On the other hand, buying a pre-made shed will eliminate… Read more »